Today I'm going to talk about one of the cool things that you get to do in the professional years on the pharmacy program - Pharmacy Skills Lab!
Here is where you finally get to start learning how to be a pharmacist :) Third year has a focus on community pharmacy, so will teach you all of the skills of how to work in that type of environment.
I'm a P1 student, so I am really looking forward to jumping into the material I've been so eager to study!
First, you learn how to make capsules, pills, ointments and suspensions! This is what I am most looking forward to in this class.
Next, you gain experience with counseling patients. Have you ever gone into a pharmacy and explained some symptoms to a pharmacist and then asked what would they recommend you buy? This lab is where you start learning how to do that yourself! Sixth years who are out on rotation come in and pretend to be patients so you can learn how to interact with patients, learn how to listen to symptoms and recommend the right treatment, and feel comfortable doing these things. These sessions are even reccorded, so you can go back and watch them to help yourself improve.
Last, you gain hands on experience by working in the mock pharmacy featured in the lab. You learn how to use a cash register, the pharmact input systems and stocking medications on the shelves. If you already work in a pharmacy, you know how important these things are! So here will be the place to develop those kinds of skills.
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